Tuesday, September 21, 2010

a sidemouth kiss

a sidemouth kiss

right where the geoffrey goes

when it’s been said n done

how I should a walked home

I might still be walking

instead of sickly typing

I waited like a sucker for a train

now I’m waiting for a train

a kiss on neither cheek nor lips

I felt your hair blow on my carotid

it whispered things like this is just a joke

in the wind that brought the funny rain

woebegone departed

begone by a woe

how I could have saved on train fare

and put these legs to use

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Traditional Irish Ballad #4

whirl yer whiskey 'round like blazes
and a raise a glass
to pass/or prickle
the arms
of a loyal guard wrapped between a star and sickle

round a round a silver tangle tassie

&& remember with consternation another mans wound
to round
the turnpike and trip the coach road
like a lark in the mourning

Sunday, September 12, 2010

A London Poem

These are open when others are not
- these are not others when open
or knotted
like tube lines / or other
things. others are open.
not balconies.
not security.

a punch in the arm. maybe.
love. definitely.

yellow reg. no return.

this sounds like a lie...but it's 911

tonight anna and i found a scaffolding...it was past midnight.
(the place was in front of a Brooklyn ambulance center)
i decided to climb. it went 4 floors up and wrapped around.
rickety ladders and crickety planks.
on my way down, anna lagged behind, trying to catch a view.
as i reached the first-floor ladder, i saw a man creep out a window
i'd just passed. he stepped onto the planks i had just tread.
he must have been watching us.
i panicked and hid around the side of the building.
still 12 feet up, i hugged the bricks and caught my breath.
as i peered around the corner, i saw him climbing back into
the window of the (totally gutted) building.
fuckin anna was unaware, 2 floors above me.
i climbed down the bottom ladder and ran to the edge of the scaffolding---
i wanted to yell up to her, but an ambulance pulled into the station
and all these ambulance bros crowded around and cheered.
something dramatic and heroic had just occurred,
but we had a major creep-fest on our hands.
i waited for the bros to close the ambulance garage doors,
then i yelled up at the roof: "anna! anna! anna! 911! 911!"
(ironic, the date. Ground Zero is currently projecting a twin spotlight straight at the moon. 9/11)
i waited, but heard nothing.
my thighs started shaking, then my hands, then something in my chest--my lungs?
really? is this.....really? "anna!"
i scurried under the scaffolding, around the other side of the building:
"anna! anna! the fuck!"
dust fell in my upturned eyes, pooled water fell from somewhere.
hurried footsteps above my head and over toward the first-floor ladder.
"cat? cat? cat?"
jeebus god, bitch, what the FUCK happened?
"he came out of nowhere. tried to molest me. i clocked him and climbed down---
he stood over me, so i grabbed the planks and shook them as hard as i could."
we're walking down the block, hands clasped and trembling together.
suddenly, HE walks out of a door underneath the scaffolding.
there he fucking is. with a shoulder bag and a high-waisted, short-torsoed gait.
he looks over his shoulder and skips (seriously).
"is that fucking him?"
"....that's fucking him---"
and she chases him into the street.
"YOU GET WHAT YOU DESERVE," i shout as she punches him in the head.
he reeles and speed-walks down the avenue.
anna rejoins me and we bee-line for the bar.
"shots, please, and don't stop the flow."
thank goodness that douche wasn't packing.
that's a september 11th courtesy for ya.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

'double rainbow' it ain't

if you haven't seen Inception, i am sad for you.
if you saw it and didn't like it, you are a dead-to-me snob.
if you turn out your lights, close your doors, get under the covers and watch this video, it will change your life.
Inception probably won't do that for you--i admit.

What I’ll Miss About (Potential) Unemployment

My neighbor plays an all-day guitar

Not songs but scaling tunes

The notes he chose pass through the wall

Over the rat poison and die on the coverall

I take my lunch from Whole Foods

A sushi roll, the Hot Items Bar

They’re never far

I took it home and read the news

At a quarter to four

I open the beer-fridge door

And see a range of Blue Mountains

Inside each a spring, a fountain

That runneth down my chin and collects on the floor

I might watch the United States play Angola

And remember when I bought that R.C. Cola

Who drank all that R.C. Cola?

At halftime I’ll Wikipedia Pensacola

The seaport county seat of County Escambia

Home to the Blue Angels

Have they flown over the Blue Mountains

Those Blue Angels on high

Did they see pools of crystal clear Coors

And beer-battered fish fry aswimmin’ in the waters?

Were they ousted from Blue Heaven

Their tricksiness disdained?

Do they show Man Vs. Food in Blue Heaven?

Or even in Africa?

We are not so judgmental down here

We would love to see you pirouette in the stratosphere

I’d love to see you pirouette up there

I wouldn’t know how to miss that


Expect despatches from The Bulb's office in London in the coming days..............

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

'i caught vince fontaine putting asprin in my coke at the dance'

kitty got knocked up again.
i came home from a failed date,
(with a stand-up comic, no less)
and there were three nearly hairless
long-limmed rodent-lookin' things
floppin' 'round 'neath the bed.

the fuck am i to do
with these fuckin' kittens?
they're disgusting with their
swollen eyes and squashed-up faces
like infected otters. pretty much
sit there and flail.

mamma kitty skulks near my feet
as i try to drink down a klonopin,
my new favorite hobby.
i'd lock her in the back yard
if it weren't for the satisfying sounds
of the sucklings that force her supine.

trapped now, eh? smug slut.
readin' martin amis and listening to the Jackson 5
has stripped me of my psychological straight edges:
say goodbye to them right-angles, lady;
close your door to mamma K
and celebrate sentences 'bout beatin' up on a bitch.

Monday, September 6, 2010


Unlock hidden info literally floating around your head . . . Because when there's no limit to what Droid gets, there's no limit to what Droid Does.