Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I'm gobblin' maudlin laudanum . . .

. . . but the emotions aren't cresting at the right intervals. I want to put on the perfect music to accent my affective output. But I get death when I just want to say "I'm emotions."


This Globular Slobber Blog was christened with the untwisting of the tongue. Lets re-twis it into heretofore untapped genres of pasta (linguini, penne, spaghetti, blogolini, Limited Time Blumpkin Pancakes at Denny's, $7.99: "Taste the Waste"). Sometimes it's good to cut your tea with laudanum. And sometimes you just need a little TLC.*

And WHY CAN'T ANYONE ON THIS BLOG HAVE A NORMAL(LY SPELLED) MONIKER. I'm so proud I'm peeing a little bit. That's all the differรกnce.

My torso is made of hip balloons. In other news, the radish came back from behind to clinch the "Most Underrated Vegetable" title this week. Second place went to jicama. Have a "happy" hump day everyone.

*NOTE: Do NOT post on this blog if you are under the influence of or are currently receiving TLC. And for Christ's sake, DON'T go chasing waterfalls.

1 comment:

  1. i'm starting the petition to change "hump day" to "humpback whale day"

    -j.b. schaff, 1:25 AM
