Saturday, March 27, 2010

So what happens when you start a blog?

Well, the first thing you notice is an intense cloacal sensation of muscular ecstasy. A blog wold produces flies and Celtic costumes. Customers cuss at disk fussers.

Second is a series of hallucinations involving round objects being words instead of professors or blobs which they could beg to be.

Third is an intense Daria episode. Watch yer nodes. Diarrhea songs long to fall sound-on at the calves of camel prawn. They exist, in a sense.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "Countered." --Erzu, Wizard Apprentice

  3. "Double countered." -- the logic in the fact that his name was Errhu, Wizard Adept, not Erzu the apprentice.

  4. "Triple re-countered." -- some punk, but he has a point in that there is no hard face about the names of wizards who only exist on cardboard. Back me up, colonel sanders? "Back that assessment up!" Ben Stein pretending to be a rapper.
