Thursday, April 1, 2010

In Burps

This morning's Facebot spambook cryptogram for my blogplug was "In Burps." My theory? Everybody knows how fond Radiohead's Thom Yorke is of cryptography. I think the cephalopodic reach of the band's influence has turned Facebook into the next great music hype-machine/marketing device. It is becoming more and more clear to me that In Burps is the much anticipated follow-up to 2007's critically acclaimed In Rainbows, much as Hail to the Thief overturned the ambient ceasefire of its two predecessors*. In other words, where Rainbows dallies with the Care Bears up in cloud 9 or 10 (though I heard a rumor that due to celestial gentrification, the Care Bears had to go in for a shotgun house in New Orleans), In Burps takes the listener/consumer on a lightless odyssey through the digestive system, chthonic realm of chyme, cum, and communism (we know you're down there, Trotsky). So, according to Facebook, don't expect Radiohead's next to sooth you into a Bush-era sugar-coma.

Well, folks, I'm off to the South, tomorrow. New Orleans, Austin, West fucking Texas, etc.. I won't be back until later April, but I will check in to see how fare my little spring blossoms. Be good, you Gogurt goblins. Glam it up. Our world relies on The Bulb for all of its goblin-related gossip. PEACE.


* Bullshit

1 comment:

  1. Eli Goblins'seed is going Tyler Durden on us, traipsing about the country, starting blogs in cities in need of whimsy. What a fellow.
