Friday, April 2, 2010

re: eli's roadtrip

oh halpern, my halpern
why have you gone?

eli, bindle-backed,
élan of our gobby blog,

you've stuffed your sack;
eyes on the road.

i, in your empty chair,
wipe dust from your words:

"Now with extract of an archangel's adrenal gland"--
"Limited Time Blumpkin Pancakes at Denny's, $7.99: 'Taste the Waste'"--

something something something
about Androids.

afikoman, napkin-wrapped,
stashed in the bookshelf.

listen up, tumbleweed,
i ain't leavin' this'ere page 'til you quit yer rollin'!

(i'm working through
an abandonment issue.)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. it posted my comment three times =( =( =(

  4. the post so nice, they made it twice. ...and one for good luck.

  5. YES TO EVERYTHING. Cat, you have moved me to tears. Or maybe it's the persistent throb of rockabilly here in Memphis. Where the fuck have I gone.
